Strengthen your own roots, receive spiritual support and heal family stories:
What do I gain from connecting with my own ancestors?
Getting to know your ancestors better through genealogy or spiritual work supports self-knowledge, as experiences or traumas experienced by ancestors continue to have an effect on us and can explain many of our behavioral patterns and beliefs. Through acceptance and forgiveness, healing can take place, which manifests itself in us through improved physical, mental and emotional health, as well as more creativity and a more loving approach to ourselves and others. It further brings peace to our ancestors.
Depending on our talents and level of development, ancestors can support us with their knowledge and experience in the form of advice or we can perceive their assistance in the form of a loving energy, synchronicities or 'lucky coincidences' occurring in our lives.
Who exactly are our ancestors?
In shamanic terms, this refers not only to the blood-related ancestors from whom we are genetically descended, but also to spiritual ancestors. The latter are people who lived before us and with whom we feel connected, for example because we follow a certain spiritual path, pursue a certain activity or have a certain attitude.
Many people feel guided by saints or ascended masters and turn to them in prayer for protection and guidance. In the same way, one can also turn to a certain blood-related ancestor to whom one feels close, or to the pioneers of a certain movement or activity. Spiritual practices often reveal spiritual guides who accompany you closely for some time or even for a lifetime, although they do not necessarily have to be human, as animal ancestors can also be found far enough back in our own ancestral line.
However, you do not have to turn to someone directly, but can also call on the power of the ancestors themselves. Because if your close blood-related ancestors do not want to help due to family feuds, there is always someone far enough back in the ancestral line who will provide loving support.
How well do I need to know my ancestors in order to work with them?
Knowledge about your own ancestors and genealogical research can be interesting and informative, but is not a prerequisite. We can call upon ancestors using their name, but this is not necessary.
How can I work with my ancestors?
In our culture, it is assumed that the ancestors are no longer accessible after death. However, in many other cultures, the power and wisdom of the ancestors are considered accessible. In Mexico, for example, people dance with the dead on Día de los Muertos and in many Asian countries offerings are made to them; in some of them there is even an ancestral altar in the corner of the living room where they are remembered with incense sticks or even given a small bowl of food or drink every day so that they can eat with them.
We can find practices that work for us and decide for ourselves whether we want to commemorate our ancestors sporadically, on certain anniversaries or even with a permanent altar. Especially at the beginning, the invocation can be supported by setting up a place, for example with a white cloth as a base, a candle, a glass of water and possibly pictures or a list of names of the deceased. The candle and glass of water are recommended as they act as conductors to enhance the energy of the prayer. If you like, you can also make offerings to the ancestors in the form of incense, food, drinks or flowers before lighting the candle, saying a prayer or invocation and then going into silence to feel and receive.
Can I get in touch with a recently deceased family member in this way?
I would advise against this. Many people assume that the deceased are busy with their own development after the transition, such as accepting and finding their way in their new disembodied form as a soul, detaching from the life they have just lived and any big questions that may still remain unanswered. They need time to mature and find their peace until they can assist us with their purified qualities. On the other hand, the bereaved also need time for their grieving process. Establishing contact could be a clinging process, preventing the bereaved from letting go and the soul from moving on.
When should I seek professional support?
If you are interested in more information or coaching, especially in the case of a strongly stressful family trauma or family problems, or if no great progress could be made through the work alone. If you have the input that a recently deceased family member needs help or there is another soul that cannot find peace, you should also consult a trained medium.
I will be happy to advise you!